We call it the predestination – to answer the question why we quit our previous stable jobs and have been going with tea for such long time, especially the wild tea in the high mountains.
It is way too far from the city each time we go working there, almost 10 hours one way driving. The dangers of an accident on the steep slope with abyss aside, or a bite from a venomous snake while the local hospital is 02 hours driving away, or landslide occurring a lot in the raining season, with thunder and lightning right above our heads… are always lurking behind each trip.
Although being aware of it, we suppose our life is short enough to make us feel like treasuring each new coming day. Being frightened by those scary dangers or not, we still decide to keep going because of the strong belief in our heart and the passion of our life. We also learned a lot while going on this way yet more important lessons still ahead.
Slowly but persistently, we are sharing our tea life story to everyone who has the interest in tea, nature, and may be inspired to find way to live their own lives.
We really appreciate all the supports we received from our families, friends in Vietnam and over the world whom we met in person and online, giving us the opportunity to make our dream come true.
Below is one of the videos about the wild tea trees we are making tea from, the part 02 of the Lotus Tea video series.
Thank you so much for reading and watching!